The 2 machines in my home that I like best, are simple and not smart. Received as gifts, a new convection toaster oven that goes tick-tick-tick, and a bluetooth soda can speaker with very little intelligence.
Sony SRS-XB10 portable wireless speaker with Bluetooth

This speaker can pair with a phone, iPad, or a computer. It can play audio. It can act as a speakerphone. It is small, rechargeable, wireless, and sounds bigger than it is. It does not have AI, a personal assistant, skills, and does not tie into any home automation. It is just a speaker.
Black and Decker TO1950SBD convection toaster oven

This toaster oven is convection, which means that it has a fan that blows the air around while baking. It is good at baking croissants. It has a temperature control, and a timer. With a spring. That goes tick-tick-tick.
A picture of croissants baked in the toaster oven